Tagungen am Institut für Chemie

Am Institut für Chemie finden regelmäßig nationale und internationale Tagungen statt. Eine Auswahl aus den letzten Jahren finden Sie im Folgenden:

24. Norddeutsches Doktorandenkolloquium

Das 24. NDDK wird am 26. und 27. September 2024 in der schönen Hansestadt Rostock stattfinden. Dieses Jahr wird das NDDK von der der ältesten Universität in Norddeutschland, der Universität Rostock, sowie dem Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse co-organisiert.

Wie jedes Jahr soll das NDDK insbesondere Doktorand:innen in der anorganischen Chemie und angrenzenden Fachgebieten eine Plattform bieten, aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse in Form von Vorträgen und Postern zu präsentieren. In angenehmer Atmosphäre können die Ergebnisse außerdem in persönlichen Gesprächen diskutiert, neue Kontakte geknüpft und bestehende Kontakte vertieft werden. Ziel ist eine engere Vernetzung und intensiver wissenschaftlicher Austausch unter den Doktorand:innen und Arbeitskreisen in der anorganischen Chemie.

Mehr erfahren: www.chemie.uni-rostock.de/nddk24

18th European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (EWPC-18)

The European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (EWPC) offers early-stage researchers an opportunity to communicate their work to the leading European research groups in phosphorus chemistry.

The long tradition of workshops previously held in Kaiserslautern (2004), Bonn (2005), Leipzig (2006), Zandvoort (2007), Regensburg (2008), Florence (2009), Budapest (2010), Münster (2011), Rennes (2012), Regensburg (2013), Sofia (2014), Kassel (2015), Berlin (2016), Cluj-Napoca (2017), Uppsala (2018), Bristol (2019) and Rennes (2020) will be continued with the 18th European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry in Rostock, Germany. This workshop series has a strong reputation for fruitful exchange of ideas, opinions and excellent discussions. The aspects of phosphorus chemistry covered by this workshop span organic, inorganic, polymer, materials chemistry and biological chemistry.

As the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus is currently spreading throughout Europe and current models expect a maximum of the wave in late February / early March, we have come to the decision that an in-person meeting in March 2022 is not feasible. Following a short survey among the group leaders, we have now decided to postpone the meeting to 14-16 September 2022. We thank everyone who took part in the survey and we are pleased about our community's strong support of an in-person meeting!

Thus, the EWPC-18 is now scheduled to take place in Rostock, 14-16 September 2022. Registration will re-open shortly. The new registration deadline will be July 31.

For further details see www.chemie.uni-rostock.de/ewpc-18

Online Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry

We cordially invite you to participate at the Online Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (OWPC), an online conference aimed at PhD students in the field of phosphorus chemistry.

The OWPC was created to shorten the wait until the next "regular" iteration of the European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (EWPC), which had to be postponed to 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Like the EWPC, the online workshop offers early-stage researchers an opportunity to communicate their work to the leading European and international research groups in phosphorus chemistry. The aspects of phosphorus chemistry covered by this workshop span organic, inorganic, polymer, materials chemistry and biological chemistry.

Further details: www.chemie.uni-rostock.de/owpc/


The "55th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry" (STC-2019) will be hosted by the University of Rostock from September 22 to 26, 2019. The conference will be jointly organised by the Institut für Chemie (Lehrstuhl Prof. Ralf Ludwig) and the Institut für Physik (Lehrstuhl Prof. Oliver Kühn).

The STC-2019 will be one of the highlight events during this year's celebration of the 600th anniversary of the founding of the University of Rostock in 1419.

With its long tradition, the STC serves as a yearly meeting for theoretical chemists to exchange ideas and discuss latest results.   Being broad in scope, every STC in general features a main topic. The focus of the STC2019 in Rostock will be: 'Spectroscopy and Photoinduced Dynamics'.

Spectroscopy in time- and frequency-domain provides a primary tool for the detailed investigation of molecular processes ranging from simple gas phase reactions to bio-molecular catalysis. With the advent of novel techniques such as two-dimensional spectroscopy and light sources in the X-ray regime, spectroscopy is pushing the borders, not only in terms of applications but also as far as theoretical methods are concerned. The challenge is open for Theoretical Chemistry and the STC2019 will reflect the current status, covering techniques and applications from the infrared to the X-ray regime.

This Rostock STC will feature about 13 invited speakers. About 25 oral presentations will be selected from the submissions. Two poster sessions will provide the platform for intense discussions. On September 25th, the Hellmann Prize will be awarded to an early career theoretical chemist. In addition to the scientific program, there will be a joint boat trip and a conference dinner on the Warnemünde beach.

Further information: http://stc2019.de

17th Ferrocene Colloquium

For further information see please:


5th International Conference on Biocatalysis in Non-conventional Media

The 5th International Conference on Biocatalysis in Non-conventional Media will take place on 9th – 11th of May 2017 in Rostock, Germany. This conference is hosted by the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) Section on Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB), which aims to stimulate the scientific and industrial interest in applied biocatalysis. The conference will cover recent achievements in this field and provide a platform to discuss future opportunities and challenges.

Dr. Jan von Langermann
Tel.: +49 (0)381/498-6456

Further information: http://www.bncm2017.de/

Joint EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2015

This meeting has the topic

"Molecular Liquids Meet Ionic Liquids"

and will take place from 6.-10. September 2015 in Rostock. Location: University Main Building

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig and Dr. Dietmar Paschek

Further informationen at the Conference Website

Conference Poster as PDF-File

Bunsentagung 2016

115th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry featuring an industrial symposium with accompanying exhibition and Karriereforum.

This meeting has the topicBasic Mechanisms in Energy Conversionand will take place from 5.-7. Mai 2016 in Rostock.Location: Ulmencampus, Ulmenstraße 69

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig



Universität Rostock
Institut für Chemie
Albert-Einstein-Straße 3a
18059 Rostock

Büro des geschäftsführenden Direktors
Sabine Kindermann
Telefon: +49 (0)381/498-6501
Email an Sabine Kindermann