Poster sessions
An overview of the poster presentations can be found in our book of abstracts. Posters 1-18 will be presented on Monday, posters 19-37 will be presented on Tuesday. The poster sessions will be held at 16:30 CET.
How can I participate at the poster sessions?
Before 29 March 2021
Take a look at our book of abstracts, where you will find short summaries of every poster presentation.
29-31 March 2021
During the conference
All posters can be viewed online on our website throughout the conference. Please feel free to take a look around during the breaks. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the results presented on a specific poster, you can
Use the chat
to ask your question right away. Just click the butten "discuss in chat" that you will find next to each poster. This will lead you to a chat room that is solely reserved for questions and discussions related to this poster. The poster presenters will check the chat regularly to answer your questions.
Join the poster sessions
to discuss your questions with the poster presenter in a video meeting. Click "Join video meeting" to enter the online meeting room (see below). Each presentation has an individual meeting, where the presenter will wait for you during their poster session. Note that there will be two poster sessions; posters 1-18 will be presented on Monday, posters 19-37 will be presented on Tuesday.
If you've missed the poster session, feel free to ask the poster presenter for an individual meeting. The poster rooms can be used freely at any time!
After 31 March 2021
The chat will be available after the conference, so it may be used for discussions even after the OWPC. Of course, the usual ways to get in contact may be used as well ;)
How to use Jitsi
The poster sessions will use the free video conferencing platform Jitsi Meet. If you are unfamiliar with Jitsi, here are a few tips and tricks.
Jitsi runs in every modern web browser, so there is no need to install additional software. Especially Chromium-based web browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Opera, the new Microsoft Edge, Chromium) work well with Jitsi. There is no need to register.
To enter a meeting, just click the button "Join video meeting" next to a poster. If you are using Jitsi for the first time, you will have to allow Jitsi to access your camera and/or microphone (typically in a pop-up window near your browser's address bar). If your camera and microphone are working, you will then see your camera image, and a green bar at the bottom of the window will indicate "It sounds like your microphone is working properly". Furthermore, you will be prompted to enter your name. We recommend to use your real name instead of a pseudonym, so it will be easier for everyone to recognize other participants. You can also check "Don't show this screen again" if you want to be forwarded to a meeting directly. Lastly, click the blue button "Join meeting" to join the discussion.
Once inside a meeting, you can adjust your video qualiy if you are experiencing performance problems. Click the three dots in the bottom right corner of the window, select "Manage video quality" and adjust your camera resolution.
To leave a meeting, click the red phone receiver.
If you have questions, please contact our help desk via chat or write us an e-mail.