Welcome to OWPC
We cordially invite you to participate at the Online Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (OWPC), an online conference aimed at PhD students in the field of phosphorus chemistry.
The OWPC was created to shorten the wait until the next "regular" iteration of the European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (EWPC), which had to be postponed to 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Like the EWPC, the online workshop offers early-stage researchers an opportunity to communicate their work to the leading European and international research groups in phosphorus chemistry. The aspects of phosphorus chemistry covered by this workshop span organic, inorganic, polymer, materials chemistry and biological chemistry.
The programme will include both talks and poster presentations.
Talks: 15 min + 5 min discussion
Posters: two poster sessions
If you wish apply for a talk or poster presentation, please submit your abstract until 31 Jan 2021.
OWPC, 2021
29-31 March 2021
submission by
31 Jan 2021
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